Mimi & Ferne Will be at the Detroit Urban Craft Fair!

The Detroit Urban Craft Fair, Michigan's longest-running independent craft fair, is turning 10 this year, and it's bound to be bigger and better than ever.  Mimi & Ferne is going to be there showcasing lots of new items, and there will be 99 other vendors selling unique, handmade goods running the gamut from stationery to jewelry to cosmetics, hand knit gifts, ceramics, home accessories, paintings, and more! 

For the first time, this year's events will take place on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Friday evening will feature all 100 vendors, as well as take-and-makes, door prizes, and more.  The cost is $10 to get in, and it runs from 6-9 pm. 

The cost to get in on Saturday or Sunday is just $1, and doors will be open from 10-8 on Saturday and 11-7 on Sunday.  It's taking place at Detroit's Masonic Temple, located at 500 Temple Street.  Don't miss this one!

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